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Minimum Requirements for a Biosecurity Management System (BMS) - Seaports
Approval for Export of Germplasm to the European Union
Application for approval of an MPI transitional or containment facility
Retrospective Biosecurity Clearance (BACC) Request Form
ACVM 22 Research approval product data sheet of Agricultural Chemical or Vertebrate Toxic Agent
Application for approval to manufacture veterinary medicines, vertebrate toxic agents, and exempt products for export: ACVM 39
ACVM 17 Approval to import and/or distribute Hormonal Growth Promotants (HGPs)
Statutory appointment - Biosecurity Act
ACVM 22 Declaration: Imported product not to be sold or used as an agricultural compound
Minimum Requirements for a Biosecurity Management System (BMS) - Airports
Quota Compliance Programme Validation Sheet
Application forms for ruminant slaughterhouse and meat processing plant approval in country wishing to export meat and meat products to indonesia
Application forms for ruminant slaughterhouse and meat processing plant approval in country wishing to export meat and meat products to indonesia
Application for a craft movement permit Section 134 of the biosecurity act 1993
Feedback form: Changes to the Biosecurity System Entry Levy and other services charged to importers for clearing cargo
Taking an Integrated Approach to Farm Planning: Biosecurity